Northern California Body Fat Test Logo

(530) 204-8068



Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the test like?

Change into your swimsuit in one of our private dressing rooms (or wear your suit).

Record your dry weight on the scale.

Get in the heated water tank.

You will submerge your whole body underwater for about 5 seconds while exhaling until you are as close as possible to being out of air.

Our trained technician will let you know when it is time to come back up.

The water is heated to between 88°F and 92°F, depending on the season. The water is also chemically treated for cleanliness to meet all local swimming pool and hot tub requirements of the local health department. We also replace the water daily. We have a private dressing room on board and for your comfort the lab is air conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter.

A trained technician will be with you every second of the test. You will have privacy and confidentiality during the entire test, which takes approximately 10 minutes.

After the test, you will receive an email or hard copy printout of your results, showing you where you are, where you should be, and what it will take to get there. You will then have a realistic baseline to establish your fitness goals.

    Is the water warm?

Yes, it is kept between 88°F and 92°F depending on the season.

    Is the water clean?

This clinic has a commercial water filtration system that keeps the water sanitized and clean.

    Is the test private?

Yes. Only you and the operator, who will administer your test.

    Is this test safe to do?

Yes! Hydrostatic testing is very safe with NO harmful radiation!

    How long do I have to be underwater?

You will be submerged for only about 5 seconds, or less.

    How long does the entire test process take?

About 10 minutes.

    Can I eat or drink before testing?

Any fluids you drink are neutrally buoyant and will not affect the results. However, any food will add to your weight and can result in a slightly lower fat percentage. Try not to eat within 2 hours of testing.

    How should I prepare for testing?

Bring or wear a swimsuit. Bring a towel. You should try to use the restroom and take a shower if possible. Please remove as much makeup, hair gel or other products as possible.

    Do I have to wear my swimsuit to the test?

You must wear a swimsuit in the water, but you may change into your swimsuit in one of our private dressing rooms.

    How much does the test cost?

$55 for the initial test, $45 for re-tests.


Northern California Body Fat Test

(530) 204-8068

Uh Oh!